I fixed his breakfast and he started talking about his people. He went through how he should give kindness and grace to all his people and that he was sorry. He went through how to breathe and count to ten. There was so much progress in his words and his actions too.
I told him we planned to meet his grandma and then I would pick him up later to take him to yoga. He went through all his expectations about what his grandma would be wearing and what they should do. I reminded him that he needed to give everyone kindness and grace for what they were wearing but I knew he still wanted her to be in blue pants. He had a great time with his grandma and did all his favorite activities. He wanted to go see the fire hydrants and then they went back to her house. They built a campfire and watched a movie.
I picked him up to go to yoga and we had a wonderful time. It is helping me make so much progress with my stretching. On the way home we got a pizza. He was telling me all about how their sign had to be replaced with a crane when we had the storm come through earlier in the year. He doesn’t forget a thing. He mostly did well on the way home but a red light got us. He screamed but then we talked about each light the rest of the way and how we have to stop when it is red. He was much calmer after that.
The night went quickly. He is ready for church tomorrow, school next Tuesday, and making sure he goes to school in May. I’m thankful he is working through his emotions and thinking about how to handle people who are not in blue pants. It felt like a lot of progress. The tiniest of steps can lead to the hugest of victories. Celebrate your accomplishments. Smiles to all and donut daze!