Once I got up he told me to go back to the “white bed.” I told him that I had to go to the bathroom and get him some milk and cereal before I went back to sit down. I think about all the unwritten rules I follow every day to keep our day flowing without as many meltdowns. Some days nothing seems to bother him but other days my turning on a light will have him screaming for hours. He can’t handle sudden changes or the differences that come with the changes he quickly sees. I can only imagine what goes on in his body to influence these changes and how screaming for hours can affect him.
We went outside to wait for the bus in plenty of time but he had to “lay down lay down” before we made it across the street. He quickly plopped himself down on the sidewalk and laid all the way down. He loves doing this to feel the earth under him. He will stay for a few moments and then get up, sometimes only moving a few inches and doing it again. He always gets up much calmer and focused. It helps to calm him in those sensory overload moments. Thankfully the bus pulled up right after he got up and he got on the bus relatively quickly and off they went to school.
I picked him up from school for his therapy sessions. I talked to his teacher for a few minutes before we left and she suggested a new strategy to help with Owen’s repetitive words. I’m beyond thankful for a teacher and support staff that give their all to my son and all the other kids.
On the way to therapy, we discussed many things but he told me that he had to be nice to his therapists and to tell them he was sorry when he was mean or screamed at them. There are so many connections he is making and it is a huge step for him to be able to express these words and emotions. I remind him that we need to always show kindness and grace and this is truly the next step to achieving it.
When we were waiting for his therapist he told me “Mommy grow hair real soon.” He then said that I had to finish getting “medicine in my medicine box.”I showed it to him and he told me I would grow my hair back in February. I loved how he thought through it all and it showed another great step of progress.
Thankfully he had two good sessions. Both therapists said that he talked a lot about what he needed to talk about but they were able to get through all the exercises. This in itself was another huge step forward especially when he had his best friend on his mind.
He was calm for most of the night until bedtime came and then it was once again up and down until he finally stayed in bed. The conversation went on between his teacher and his best friend. I can say it is a lot for me to process but boy, oh boy does my sweet baby O love his people with all his heart and he doesn’t want to miss a thing.
I love seeing the progress Owen has made and I know he is going to keep climbing every mountain in front of him. Some days the road never feels like it will stop turning and twisting but the sun that shines on the curves of life dries the rain and gives us our brand new day. Treasure the days that felt the hardest because they allow us to embrace the newness of tomorrow. Have hope in the change. Smiles to all and donut daze!