I woke extremely early. Every noise was a noise and they all woke me. Thankfully Owen slept until almost seven and once again walked around the house talking to his different toys. I love these moments where he is completely focused on what he wants to do. In a few minutes, he came to me to get his tablet. I’m trying to let him establish the morning wake-up routine that works for him and I think it is helping him calm him as well.
This five minute rule I feel has already changed our lives. I pray it keeps working but for now, I look at him and I see incredible progress. I took a deep breath trying to clear the tears from my eyes as I wrote those words. The repetitive words have been part of our lives for so long that I can’t even remember days without them. To look at him and know he is so much calmer is incredible. Today I took his tablet away from him twice but both times it was like he said the words to see if I would do it and he was calm the whole time.
We got ready and I drove Owen to his grandma’s house. The whole way there he didn’t tell me one direction to go and just sat there calmly playing on his tablet. He was excited because he knew he was going to see his grandma today. They were going to build a campfire and make s’mores. He has never been a big fan of sweets but he likes the process of making the s’mores. Each time they do them my mom told me he is starting to eat a little bit more of the s’mores. He stayed there for several hours and then I met them to come home. He once again was calm in the car on the way home.
The night went the same way. We talked about the week ahead and that he started school on Friday. I didn’t want to tell him all the other things we were doing but we both have a busy week ahead. I will tell him as the appointments come up because I want to make sure he has the best week before school starts.
I’m thankful for an incredible day. I was a little tired from waking up so early but I was able to eat more foods today and I’m feeling much stronger. Owen is excited for church tomorrow and so am I. Be thankful for your victories no matter how big or small they are. Each one is a gift. Smiles to all and donut daze!