Once we got up around four we worked on his breathing exercises. I could feel the meltdowns right on the surface of everything he was doing and I didn’t want that to go for the whole day. After we finished his breathing exercises we changed to counting backwards. This helps him concentrate when he is having rough moments. It distracts his brain so he can center himself again. In stressful situations, he wants to go from ten to three so he can get done quickly but that doesn’t help to get him calm so we go through his exercises and count slowly when he is calm.
I started fixing my coffee after I fixed Owen’s first breakfast since last night I only seemed to turn on the delay switch and not add the two main ingredients needed for coffee. While I was watching it brew he told me he wanted me to eat my banana right away so he could throw it away. I told him I would eat it after I drank my coffee. He told me to hurry up and I told him once I had my coffee I would.
He asked me for more milk before my coffee was done and then he asked Siri how to say “chocolate milk in Arabic.” He already knows how to say it in every language she translates it into but he loves hearing her say it. He then giggled and asked for it in other languages.
He was pretty calm and seemed tired after the first few hours of the morning went by. He was basically lying on the couch but ready to go to his grandma’s house. I took him for a couple of hours so he could at least have his Saturday routine. On the way home he talked about the storm coming and he didn’t want the Gino’s pizza sign to be destroyed again. He told me that it needed to “stay better.”
When we got home he said that everything needed to be leprechauned by Monday so he could go to school. He wants no snow or ice for us. I kept referring to the snow they were predicting for us as a storm. When we had a bad rainstorm here his school amongst other things was hit hard and he thought leprechauns fixed it so now anytime something is broken or there is a storm he thinks they are coming back to fix everything.
We were painting together and I was asking him about his new Japanese BeatBo. I wanted him to tell me everything it did. He started listing the different parts. I asked him if he could sing something in Japanese. He said, “Twinkle Twinkle” and started singing it in English. I asked him if he could sing it in Japanese and he started belting it out. He amazes me every single day.
Exhaustion was the theme for the day but thankfully after the initial part of our morning, it was at least calm. It made my day to see him so excited about his new robot. The smile says it all and makes my heart happy. He wanted to make sure we would go to church next week if we didn’t go tomorrow and that his teacher and everyone else would stay home on Monday. I told him he would be with everyone as soon as he could. We have to stop focusing on the impossible and know that the possible can happen. Make your dreams come true today. Smiles to all and donut daze!