Somewhere around two, I heard a train and a siren or an alarm and I was awake. Then from the living room, I hear one of Owen’s toys halfway singing its extremely slow version of the alphabet, clearly needing new batteries. I went to turn it off hoping that not only did the toy not wake up Owen but I was hoping me going to turn it off would not as well. From there, no sleep was to be had for me but I was so thankful he slept.
He woke in another great mood, singing another song I couldn’t completely hear and maybe was the same as yesterday. Today however he wanted his alone time. He came to get his tablet from me and he ran off to play, telling me we were both going “back to bed.” He’s growing so much. I love that he can express more of what he wants now. I would have loved another morning like yesterday. I completely understand his need to have time to settle and wake up before he heads off to school.
The laughter is what I hold onto. I needed that laughter and I love it when he gets so tickled that he bursts out in these belly-gut laughs. He was watching something on his tablet and he started giggling so loud. Without him being in front of me I can imagine the grin he has on his face and it makes me giggle as well.
He listened well this morning when we needed to get ready for the bus. He wants to wear shorts every day now instead of jeans and he isn’t mentioning “blue pants” as much as he was but instead coming up with whole outfits that he wants everyone to wear. It amazes me how many people he can remember seeing for the first time and knowing exactly what they wore or what outfit he liked best that he saw them in at some other time. I wish he could tell me all the things he has stored in his mind.
He was off to school and I knew it was going to be another great day for him. When he came home from school he was talking about the bus not going straight and was a little more elevated about directions but he stood there and watched it drive off and go around the corner. He loves watching the buses and his excitement for them continues to grow.
We went inside and I fixed him a snack. I gave him a few minutes but I could tell today was more of one of those thinking days. He needed his alone time and I once again understood. He would occasionally come sit with me to help him use the voice-activated option on YouTube to find a video but then he would run off again to play. Snack time completely ran into dinner time which then was immediately bath time. He barely finished his dinner and he was requesting his bath. Bath time was not something he wanted to make quick either. I figured that was how the day was going for him. I had to remind him several times not to drink the bath water. I still can’t quite comprehend how he will drink bath water but hates to even think about it when I give him regular water. I guess it’s like chicken in his toes. we pick our battles and one of us usually wins.
Today was rough around the edges for me. Food was extremely hard for me so I pray for a better day tomorrow. It’s hard going from a person who loves almost everything to not being able to eat much of anything. And I miss food but I know that today is one day and I am in it to win it.
Nighttime came quickly and he was asleep quicker than I think he wanted to be. His head was on his pillow and he was out. I think middle school might be wearing my sweet baby O out but boy oh boy am I proud of how incredibly well he is doing. Today is the day to do what you love to do. Dream big and make that dream come true. Smiles to all and donut daze!