Owen woke up after five. He told me “New school Tuesday.” I know he is processing having the holiday on Monday but this is the first time he has gone straight to Tuesday and processed it like this. He generally will repeat the same question about the days he has off or he will say it so many times I get confused that he is referencing the day that he has off and say something else. I am thankful that he is making this connection and knowing that he goes to school tomorrow, has Monday off, and then will be back at school on Tuesday. This connection and the way he is handling it shows incredible growth.
He was very calm all morning. He talked a little about my hair but he didn’t say it too many times. He reminded me again to remember to grow my hair and that I had a baby’s head. I love the references he has come up with but I’m so incredibly thankful how well he is handling it. He sometimes has a hard time looking at me but other times it is fine for him.
He listened great when we had to get ready and we went out to wait for the bus. He wanted to once again go the wrong direction and he then wanted to walk in the road but he listened when I told him we had to watch for traffic. He was off to his happy place.
He had a great day at school. His teacher sent some of his papers home that he has been doing and they were all great and showed so much progress. I loved the report he got today and I’m so happy how well he is working with the teacher and the aide.
I picked him up for therapy and the whole way there he was concerned about what his therapist was going to wear. I talked to him about all the different colors she could be wearing but his expectations were exactly what he wanted. He remembers so many details and it is hard when he gets focused on his expectations. Once that happens it is truly emotional for him and he can’t move forward. As soon as he saw her he wasn’t pleased that she didn’t have her blue scrubs on but she had her handprint shirt on that he liked. They went in and after a little bit, he couldn’t handle all his emotions and was crying so she brought him back out to me. My heart aches for him that we can’t find a way to help him process this. Some days he can handle it and other days it is just too hard. I pray that he will make the connection to his expectations and he will move forward with this as well. His therapist is always so caring about his feelings and how he handles everything.
Once we were in the car he calmed down and I talked to him about being upset because she wore something different than he expected. I said how should we handle this next time. He said, “Tell her sorry.” I was glad he made that connection but I also told him that we have to remember that people are allowed to make choices with what they wear and some people can only wear certain clothes while they are working. I try to reference that so he understands the different aspects of this.
He didn’t want to go anywhere or get any food today because he wanted to come straight home to get chocolate milk. He told me we would get a pizza on Saturday. He ate a huge fish dinner and was then ready for his bath. Nighttime came and he dragged along his blankets into his bed. His laugh shined through today as he giggled with all the translations he was asking Siri for. Let your heart laugh and your smile will shine. Smiles to all and donut daze!