“You know the answer” he screamed for a good solid five minutes at many intervals. He then corrected himself. “No yelling you know the answer,” he said with me pretending to ignore him the whole time while asking other questions. It didn’t stop him with me ignoring him or trying to distract him but hopefully, it will help him realize he can talk about so many other things.
Life happens when you have something else planned. And today did not go at all like I planned but we had a good day. Even though he randomly screamed about me or maybe the world knowing the answer he was extremely calm.
He hadn’t mentioned going to grandma’s house after he first woke up. He finally realized we weren’t going anywhere and that it was Saturday after lunch. He then asked when we were going to grandma’s house and I told him tomorrow. He said, “After church go to grandma’s mommy go bye bye” so I know he got it. It is good to have a change in our schedule sometimes so he can process it and hopefully, these moments will help him adapt to change.
The laughter makes my heart so happy. He was asking Alexa to translate many words into different languages. He loves hearing the words but sometimes he will laugh when the different voices say the words. The laughter filled the whole house and was one of the bright spots of my day.
It seems like we are nonstop today. I keep reminding myself that I can’t eat anything on Wednesday when I go to have my port in. I don’t want to forget and have to reschedule the appointment. Owen requested fish for dinner and ate all of what I fixed and wanted more. I can tell he is growing again.
I love how calm he was today except for the few screams and when he decided it would be funny to pull my hair. I asked him if he wanted to go to the park and he said no so I didn’t push it since he was having such a great day. Each day is a gift and I cherish these moments of laughter and smiles. Be calm in the moments and let the sunshine be your guide to a great day. Smiles to all and donut daze!