It was a wise choice to stay home. My energy matched my attitude and I was pretty cranky all day. Thankfully for the most part Owen was calm. He was talking about our days ahead and was naming the dates he was going places. I don’t have a calendar up because he either rips them down or hides them. If they are the erasable boards he will use his hand and take everything away. The last few days though he has been letting me show him a calendar. This is huge and with no screams or meltdowns of any kind. He won’t look long but he is happier about the countdown we are doing to his new school and seeing his friends.
I took it easy today and that’s exactly what I needed. I know the next few months will be extremely busy so it was nice to have a day to be at home. Owen and I played a lot and my little reader was reading with me. I love it when he wants to sing the books. It makes my heart happy to hear. Tomorrow is his last day with his speech therapist. She will be leaving and I was talking to Owen about working with someone new. I’m hoping that talking about the transition will help him through it because we sure will miss her.
He requested pancakes all day long. He ate numerous other things but pancakes have moved up to his top choice until it was close to bedtime and then he asked me for a cheeseburger again. I told him I had offered him one at lunch and dinner but he requested chicken and pancakes. I am beginning to think he may be on to this bedtime thing and asking for food right as it is bedtime.
We are working on the repetitive words. Today felt a little calmer with it and he didn’t need to say them as much because I offered the calendar and to honk the invisible horn if that would help him. I’m not quite sure how come he is reacting to the invisible horn that isn’t even there but it seems to be something he is connecting to. And that I am thankful for.
Bedtime came without much fanfare or rejection because he wanted to see his grandma tomorrow while I go to my physical therapy. I will pick him up and then we will go to his therapy after our meeting we have for his program. He is excited about tomorrow so I pray he sleeps all night. Owen’s laughter made my heart happy today. Look for the gifts in the little things, the happiness in the daily routine, and the laughter that shines through. Smiles to all and donut daze!