The breakfast requests started.
He said he wanted to go to the park but I knew we would have to see what he had to say as the morning went on. I asked if her friends wanted to meet us to see Santa and go to the park if he decided to go. They agreed to see Santa in the afternoon.
We had a great morning with him laughing, and we played lots of games. He asked a lot about what we were doing tomorrow and if we were going to grandma’s house. I knew he would be questioning me being there with him instead of dropping him off. He requested shrimp for his lunch. He ate it all and wanted more.
We got ready and we went to meet our friends to see Santa. When we got to the store, we went inside to wait for our friends and we saw some people we knew from church. Owen was extremely excited to be seeing them and told them happy Thanksgiving.
Our friends got there and we went to see Santa. We didn’t have to wait and we were able to see Santa right away. Owen was fascinated by the fake snow and kept wanting to touch it. When we got done with Santa, Owen wanted to go back to see the fish. The boys stood there watching the fish for a little while and then Owen announced he did not want to go to the park. He said he wanted to go straight home. We said our goodbyes and headed home. We got about halfway home and Owen said he wanted to go to the park. I told him that we could go tomorrow or Friday, but we were going home since that’s what he had requested. He handled it like a champ and we went straight home.
The rest of the night went quickly, and he was still very calm about everything. He started saying that he didn’t want to go to grandma's tomorrow because he wanted to go on Saturday. I told him that he could go on both days. Mommy would just be there with him tomorrow. I think this is what is hard for him to understand. He’s done it before, but it’s still hard for him.
We got ready for bed and I thought he was sound asleep, but he woke up and came to me right before midnight to get his tablet. I told him it was still nighttime and he went back to bed. I pray he sleeps the rest of the night. I’m thankful for a good day. I hope that he wants to go to his grandma’s house tomorrow and that everything goes smoothly. His laughter made my day and filled my heart with love. Find what makes you smile and share it with the world. Smiles to all and donut daze!