He talked to me about next week and that it was fall break. We read his story that the teacher sent home and he was even more attentive to it. We got ready and before I knew we were out the door for him to get on the bus. They were very early today but Owen was beyond excited to get to school.
I picked him up for therapy and off we went. He was very talkative the entire way there. It was a lot about next week and repeating his hopes that he would be at school but also what he wanted to do next week. He wants to go bowling, the park where the “slide will shock you,” Diehl’s restaurant, Dairy Queen, IHOP for big pancakes, Dwight’s for little pancakes, and to see his friends. It sounded like a good list to me and lots of food options.
His therapists said he had a good day and he was able to do many of the exercises. He was still being repetitive with his responses but he was not upset during either session and able to handle the clothes that they were wearing. When we got home he got his backpack out of the car without me asking him. I feel like he has grown a lot over the last month and has seen many new connections.
He was calm all evening. He was a little more quiet and I felt like he was concentrating on things. I know he is processing next week and I hope that it will be a fun week for him. He’s excited he gets to go see “Night Santa” tomorrow and he also asked me when he could go see the “Fish Santa.” Each day I focus on the good stuff and today was full of a lot of the good stuff. Never give up on the hope for tomorrow. Let yesterday go and know that tomorrow can be exactly what you want it to be. Smiles to all and donut daze!