He knew today was his last day of school. Accepting that and knowing it are two different things. He was not ready for his last day of school even though his words told me that he knew what was happening. A new school, a new routine, a new teacher, and everything else new we could think of but I feel like his support team at school gave him all the tools and help they could to prepare him for his future. This is more than I could have asked for. He was as ready as I have ever seen him be for all the changes that were about to happen.
He went through all his clothes choices making sure I knew he wanted to wear a pair of pants. He had talked about khaki shorts but it wasn’t something he wanted to wear. He sure wanted to talk about them though. We settled on blue jeans and a purple shirt. He wanted his yellow shirt but I told him it wasn’t clean. I don’t know when his yellow shirt became so important but he asks to wear it every day. This is not something I want him to have access to every day because then he will think he has to wear it every day. Or so I think that is how it will go. The queen of overthinking will overthink that for a while.
His elevated anxiousness was in full circle as we got ready to wait for the bus. I was thankful that he was at least quiet when he first woke up. He even went back to his bed and kept the volume down on his tablet. He wanted to make sure I knew today was his last day of school. He was also very concerned about summer school and when he was starting it.
Waiting for the bus is always an adventure. He saw the bus coming and he was smiling from ear to ear. He gave me a big hug and he took the dinosaurs he had for his bus people. I am thankful for how amazing they all are with him. He told the bus aide something and I saw them talking about where he was going to sit. I do believe he may have convinced her to let him sit in her seat. Off they went with a very happy sweet baby O.
I picked him up for therapy and the anxiousness was in full swing all the way there. He told me he was going to school tomorrow and that spring was on Saturday. I breathed. It is hard with the repetitive behaviors because I do not want to have them go into meltdown mode. Thankfully we kept talking and he remained as calm as he could be but he still was hyper-focused on what was happening over the next week.
His therapy went well. I love hearing that he can do things he hasn’t been able to do before. This brings me incredible joy and makes my heart sing. Knowing that he is doing so well even though he is emotional about all of it makes me understand how important his progress truly is.
I am thankful for Owen’s smile. On my hardest days, his smile is the key to my happiness. Live today with your heart open wide. Never give up on the hope for tomorrow. Progress is where tomorrow’s door is wide open. Follow your heart and believe in the miracle yet to come. Smiles to all and donut daze!
Those incredible little freckles and his cute chocolate milk mustache with that adorable smirk are exactly what this momma’s heart needs.