I thought we were actually going to soccer today and Owen seemed to be agreeable with it but my tire had another idea. I had a nail in it and I needed to get it fixed. I think technically he was fine with not going but it still threw the morning off because he had been so agreeable to at least go. I got him to his grandma and then got my tire fixed.
From there it was time to get my hair cut. I have been talking to him about all the changes I will be going through and how my hair will be different over time. My hair has always been so important to him and how he needs me to look. I told him that I was going to get more cut today and he talked to me about getting a buzz cut. He has gone back and forth if he wants one. He watches videos about all different kinds of haircuts and when he was really little I would buzz cut his hair. I want him to be able to see that it will all be fine and that taking some off over time will help instead of it being so dramatic.
I suppose my hair has always been important to me too. I was teased when I was younger after I got a very short hair. It stuck with me, all the words that were said. I never wanted short hair again. And technically still would love to keep it long even though I do love the new cut. I like the fun of long hair but that has also been hard on Owen over the years if I would attempt to wear a hat or something like ponytails. One day at a time and learning to embrace change is something we both need to learn. Today and all the days forward are those times. I talk to him about kindness and grace and I think this is right there with that.
I told Owen that we were going to a birthday party for a friend of ours. He was going to go with Grandma and then I would meet them there. He learned what to say and was ready to go. This was still a big step for him. He thought we were going to the big slides so that confused him a little. It was someplace new for him and lots of new faces. We only stayed for a little bit but it was a wonderful experience for him and I was thankful we got to see our friend to wish her happy birthday on her special day.
The ride home was a bit on the bumpier side, with him screaming at me all the things he was going to do but he calmed down once we got home. I’m thankful for that. He is convinced school starts “on the following Monday” even though he has a little over a month left. Each day I will try to go over his schedule with him and hopefully, that will help.
The night went quickly and he is very excited to go to church tomorrow. I pray all our ducks are even near the row tomorrow. I’m thankful for another day of very little pain and hopefully tonight is the night for some real sleep. Learning to let go of the bumps in the road can be the biggest challenge but finding a way to a new path will be part of the amazing journey that will lead to great rewards. Find your path and enjoy the ride. Smiles to all and donut daze!