He couldn’t wait to get to school. He was also very aware of his days off next week and I was thankful for his understanding about them. We went to wait for the bus and there was a car parked in front of our house. It took everything to convince him to walk off the porch. It’s a public street but I can’t explain that to him. Thankfully I was able to get him out to wait for the bus and then off he went.
I answered a phone call and immediately knew it was a mistake. Some days Owen can handle it today was not one of those days. I have tons of phone calls right now and thankfully everyone that I generally speak to understands but it’s emotional when he is screaming. I pray he isn’t going to have a meltdown because I’ve answered the phone. I pray the person who called understands when he starts screaming at the top of his lungs or won’t stop saying the same thing over and over again. I don’t answer the phone a lot of the time but there are days I think he will be able to handle it. I should have known today would have been hard for him.
Owen asked for a sausage dog again after he already knew he had finished them a couple of days ago and I told him they didn’t come with our order today. He said, “Have to eat at grandma’s house.” Then he told me that one of the kids ate a banana on the bus. All of this is great information and he thought through it all. I’m also very glad that he no longer has meltdowns in general over them and that we still continue to work with him on them. I can only imagine how that would have been for him on the bus. I wonder if he wanted to throw it away like he does mine every day.
The fake laughter is almost as good as the real laughter. He has made the connection that I like to hear him laugh. He said, “Mommy like laugh” and did this lovely fake laugh. He then ran into the bathroom to watch himself laugh. He came back out and said, “Mommy like laugh” again. It makes me very happy for this connection and that he wants to laugh for me because he knows I love his laugh.
Bedtime didn’t take long to happen. He knew that he had to sleep all night so he could go to grandma’s house tomorrow so I’m praying he does. I am so thankful for his growth and these amazing connections. Each day is a gift filled with amazing surprises. Enjoy what the day brings. Smiles to all and donut daze!