He was in a great mood and knew what his day ahead was going to be like. He wasn’t repeating himself quite as much but he was asking to make sure he was still in middle school. He also wanted to know about the months ahead and asked me when we could go to the pool. He is associating this with when I will start recovering and growing my hair. He knows I have to be all done with my medicine and surgery. I’m so glad he is making these connections.
He watched a video about a girl eating a banana. He wanted to know if she was happy. He asks questions about emotions a lot. I also asked him what he thought about her eating a banana. He chose to ignore that. He always wants to throw my bananas in the trash but will watch videos about bananas all the time. It took us years to work through the process so he would not have meltdowns about them anymore.
We got ready for school and he was extremely calm. He knew today was “medicine box day” and I was getting my medicine. I explained I was having surgery but I let him continue to say “medicine box day” because that is how he could relate to it and that was perfect. He knew the important parts and that he was being picked up from school by one of our friends. He was beyond thrilled with this and it made me happy as well.
My surgery went well and my doctor felt very positive about it. I have hardly any pain from it and truly feel great. I was so happy to get home and eat. Our friend brought Owen to me. He was calm for the rest of the night. He talked to me about his day but mostly if he would see his teacher in August.
He sat with me before bedtime and I was happy to watch his videos with him. It didn’t take him long to fall asleep and I know it won’t take me long either. I’m so thankful that he made the connections to this journey with me. Each did it was a wonderful reminder of God’s gifts to us. Hearing Owen talk about me getting better and growing my hair out in February made me feel so inspired and blessed. Never give up on the hope for tomorrow. Our journey is not always what we think it will be or what we want but I can tell you sometimes it is what we need to grow. Let today be your guide for an incredible tomorrow. Be inspired with your growth. You are amazing. Smiles to all and donut daze!