Owen slept until almost six and he was in a good mood when he woke up. I told him we weren’t going to church today and he said, “Because it’s broken they had a storm.” I left it at that and said we would go next week. He still uses that reference every time we can’t go somewhere. He remembers the storms we had earlier in the year.
He cannot wait until next Friday and it cannot come soon enough. He is ready to see his friends. All day long he would come to me and say “Stay home Friday.” He knows that on “August 16teenth” he will be going back to school.
His enthusiasm has returned for the Little Einsteins. He is cycling through his favorites. He came running to me and told me the name of the artist on the screen. He repeated the name as close as he could. He then showed me the musician of the day and said his name as well. He let it play through and pulled up a couple more. His smile makes my heart so happy. I told him that he was a brilliant artist and musician and that one day he would be featured in a series like that. He giggled and ran off. Once again my heart was full. I want him to always know he can accomplish anything if he sets his mind to it and I know he will.
He changed his mind on all the food he wanted. As soon as he said one he would change to another. He ate every bit of everything that was in front of him though. The other big step to independence happened today. He wiped himself without assistance. This is huge and I am so very proud.
He is definitely concentrating on Friday but he was excited that tomorrow was his therapy day. He told me he was going to ask his music therapist for the musician of the day. My mom is going to take him to his therapy tomorrow so I can rest more but I know he will be thrilled with it all.
By nighttime, I felt my strength returning. I had eaten small amounts all day and tried to not mix many foods. Tomorrow I will try more solids but thankfully today was a good day. For someone that likes all the foods it is interesting that none of the foods taste good. I know tomorrow will be great. I keep repeating that over and over. Positive words and positive actions equal a positive life.
The hardest part is the hardest part. Every single day there is hope. Days can be tough but hold on to the hope. Learning to breathe through the moments and finding peace is what we all need. Today Owen made me laugh so many times. That huge smile and his heart of gold win every time. Find your peace, believe in tomorrow, and know that you have more strength than you can imagine. Smiles to all and donut daze!