From there the morning was good but kind of hectic. Owen was very calm all morning, only yelling out a few times about me knowing the answer even though I didn’t know what the question was. He will say “you know the answer” over and over again waiting for me to say something but I’m trying to distract him and move him forward from this question.
There was a problem with the bus this morning and they were going to arrive very late so I took Owen to school. He wanted to make sure that he was still riding the bus home but otherwise handled it all well. We talked about the Halloween party they were having at school and he was excited about it. He checked again about the afternoon bus and then went inside with his teacher.
His teacher let me know now that he enjoyed the party and when he got home I asked him what he thought about it. He said he had pizza and treats. He also said he had fun. He answered all my questions. It is always exciting when he spends time going through his day with me and will answer my questions. That doesn’t always happen so it makes it that much more special when he can share the details.
He knows I’m going to my chemo infusion this coming Thursday. He told me about my “medicine box” and that I would be growing back my hair because the medicine would make me better. He said I would be wearing bunny ears and camo to my appointment. I’m so proud of him and I’m thankful for how well he is dealing with all of this.
They are having a sensory-friendly movie showing near us but so far he is saying he doesn’t want to go because he wants to see his grandma. We will see how he feels about it in the morning. I told him he could still see his grandma after the movie.
The evening was pretty quiet. He was focused on tomorrow. He wasn’t convinced it should be bedtime but he fell asleep quickly once he stayed in bed. I wanted to make sure I knew he was going to sleep all night. I sure hope he does. I’m so thankful for the conversations we had. They truly make my day. Words matter and showing kindness brings as much joy to our own hearts as it does to the person we are giving it to. Be kind. Smiles to all and donut daze!