He kept telling me he wanted to go to the depot, McDonald’s, pizza, Dairy Queen, and then to see the fish. I asked him if today was when he wanted to go and he then changed the subject but kept coming back to it. The key was waiting to see what he would say when he got home from school.
He went to go play with his tablet and then he came back to carry on his conversation about where he wanted to go. He told me he wanted a burger and to go to the burger boy statue to eat it. He definitely misses his rides with his grandma. It has been so cold lately they haven’t been able to go with the weather.
We got ready and went outside to wait for the bus. He was so glad he was heading to school. He was asking about his friends and who else he would see. As the bus turned the corner he continued planning his day when he would be home. I still wondered if he would even want to go anywhere.
Sometimes it is all I can do to refocus a derailed freight train. He came home from school and it took me a few minutes to calm him down once we got inside. He was fine off the bus but then a car went down the road as he was trying to watch the bus turn the corner. It went on by but he started yelling about someone parking on the street. He yelled “It’s daga” for ten minutes. That’s what he kept calling the person. I finally got him distracted by playing music. After that, he kept saying he wanted to stay home.
He mentions “daga” every once in a while but I have absolutely no clue where this name came from. He references her when he says the name but other than that nothing. He has a few names that he uses like this. I think they are the ones he uses in general when he doesn’t know the name of the person.
He was so happy to play his music. He is enjoying it and I feel like he is starting to get that he can make a song happen. I am also trying to have him choose what he wants to play. I will ask him which instrument he wants to play for me today. He was laughing and smiling when he was playing and asked me to sing.
He finished off his day by driving all over the county on Google Maps. He loves that he can go the direction he wants on them. He will watch a video on YouTube of someone driving in the area on one tablet and move through the streets on Google Maps on the other tablet. Tonight he asked to take a bath and when I asked him if he was ready he said, “No bath maps now.”
I’m thankful for a good day and that he was able to push forward and not have a meltdown over the cars outside. Each day is a gift and I’m thankful for my amazing sweet baby O. Tomorrow I meet with the radiation doctor and I will start the next part of this journey. Let joy be the best part of your day. Smiles to all and donut daze!