There was a new West Virginia road video premiering from the series on YouTube he likes to watch but it wasn’t set to be available until nine this morning. He kept bringing it to me to show me the countdown so I told him we could set a timer so he would know when it starts. He pulled up the timer and he wanted to set it for five minutes but I told him we had to set it for an hour and fifteen minutes. He quickly moved the time.
He kept bringing me his tablet but instead was showing me the timer. He still kept telling me he wanted to go to Burger King but he made no moves to get ready to go to the park. Yesterday was a very busy day for him and quite overwhelming so I had a feeling that we would be staying home today and I wasn’t going to push it. His video finally premiered and he was so excited to watch the person driving around the streets of towns close to us. He ran through the house holding his tablet and jumping up and down when they would drive by something he wanted to see.
I asked him if he wanted to get ready to go and he ran and hid under his blanket. I started making our lunch at that point. He said Burger King one more time after I made our lunches. I told him we could go for dinner and he replied tomorrow. He was back to asking about seeing the fish tomorrow. I had a feeling that he needed the day at home to relax and unwind from yesterday and that was fine with me.
He ran up to me and said, “Octopus has nine legs no eight arms,” and he laughed. He walked away saying something over his shoulder to me about them having legs and arms. I started reading about the octopus and I have a feeling he knows a lot more facts about them than he was even telling me. Sometimes he will say the opposite of what he means because he likes to say “Are you teasing me” so that he can watch how the person reacts with the wrong information.
He wanted to take his bath very early and didn’t want to get out. The bath then turned into a shower and he still didn’t want to get out. He had been asking for a bath since he ate lunch so I cut his hair and then gave him a bath. He asked for me to dry his hair with the hairdryer but he quickly changed his mind because he didn’t want to hear the noise.
I made our dinner and then he asked for Burger King again but said tomorrow so we shall see how that goes. I’m thankful for a good day. He played his harmonica for me and then sang many songs. I love how much he likes music. Our night went quickly and thankfully he remained calm. We are clicking the days off until he goes back to school and he can’t wait. I’m thankful he loves school so much. Find what makes you happy, believe in your dreams, and know that you can do anything if you set your mind to it. Smiles to all and donut daze!