Thankfully Owen slept all night. He woke up a little before six but he was very calm. His concerns from the previous days followed into today but he was at least able to be quickly redirected. He wanted to make sure today was church, tomorrow he got to see his grandma, and Tuesday he was going to school and riding the bus home. As much as he loves going to therapy and it is part of his routine it throws off the fact that he doesn’t get to ride the bus every day.
Owen ate three breakfasts before church. He wanted cereal, then he requested more cereal and pancakes, and then the chicken request came in. He truly is growing. I love that he is eating so much and he is trying a lot of new things.
On our way to church, he talked about my hair. He once again told me to remember to grow my hair back. He truly has come so incredibly far though. My hair has always been something that he would have huge meltdowns over and here he can talk to me about it and do it relatively calmly. He told me to grow it out and have “a red ponytail and a green ponytail.”
He did great at church and he requested his usual “cheeseburger chicken nuggets French fries honey mustard” on the way home. I only ordered a four-piece chicken nugget since he had eaten twelve sticks before we left for church. He immediately started counting when we got home and he told me he needed six more because he always wants ten chicken nuggets. He ate all the nuggets but only ate a little bit of the burger.
He was focused on the days ahead and kept repeating who he would see. When I told him that he knew who he was going to see the next few days he changed it up on me. Instead of saying his teacher’s name he started talking about seeing the aide. He always figures out a workaround to his problems.
We played a lot of games, sang a lot of songs, and ate a lot of food. He is very ready to see his grandma tomorrow. I pray he sleeps tonight. His singing goes straight to my heart and makes me so happy. Focus on the good stuff. Let your smile shine bright and songs delight your world. Smiles to all and donut daze!