To say my morning was frazzled is probably the understatement of the day. Owen was so hyper and wanted me to sit. I had several things I needed to do before the day got going. I needed to take out the trash, make sure the ice didn’t cause any more problems with my car, get us ready, and make sure I had everything in order for my doctor’s appointment. Mornings to him are made for sitting and me doing too many things sends him into overdrive and he was already very excited for his day.
Mondays are extremely busy for us in general and today was extra packed. Thankfully our friend was going to get Owen to school for me since there was a two-hour delay. As hyper as he was he truly was handling all the curveballs very well. I went off to my appointment and he was off to school.
My appointment went well. I will start my preventative infusions after I finish my radiation. I am thankful for being cancer-free and knowing these steps will put the icing on the cake. I will see my radiation specialist later this week and then I will find out when it will all begin.
I picked Owen up for his music therapy and the whole way there he asked about his therapist’s pants but it wasn’t his first words out of his mouth when he saw her. She said he did good and didn’t seem as anxious. He was so happy to be back in his routine.
Exhaustion was at the top of the list for me today. When we got in the car I yawned really big and made that sleep sound. He said, “Yawn” and started mimicking me. He had me laughing the whole way home and there was no more room for yawning.
We were home for a little while before we went to his vision therapy. Today was the best he had done in a very long time. He did many of the exercises without going back and forth about wanting gym or what the doctor was wearing. He even answered almost everything correctly the first time. They read a story about Mary going to school and he kept saying she went to Mary C Snow. He never went to this school but he loves driving by it and is so fascinated with it. She asked him what he was having for dinner and he told her Bob Evans with grandma. I said probably not tonight. He told her he wanted gravy. They had read the word gravy in one of the exercises. He told her that he wasn’t supposed to pull any more of his teeth because they were the “grown up ones.” He also told her that he knew how to do yoga poses and was going to yoga soon.
The night went quickly. He ate all his dinner. I made us some country-fried steak with gravy and he was happy. I pray he sleeps all night and I know tomorrow he will be thrilled to be back and school and riding the bus. His happiness goes straight to my heart. Some days are tough but clinging to joy will make those moments so much easier. Cherish the little things. Smiles to all and donut daze!