He played on his tablet and ate some breakfast. He asked me a few times when we were going and who we were seeing today. We both had a busy day ahead. He wanted to make sure I was wearing the right clothes but I told him to remember kindness and grace.
We got ready and I asked him if he knew what he needed to take with us when we left for the dentist appointment. I wanted him to think ahead as to where he would head next after his appointment. He wasn’t exactly sure what I was asking at first but after he went through saying people’s names he said his backpack without me prompting him. This made me so happy and the follow through was perfect. It is leading him towards those independent moments.
He loves going to see his dentist. The whole way there he told me what she was going to do to his teeth. He talked about her counting them and cleaning them. I reminded him they would not be in blue pants. They were in Christmas pajamas so he was thrown off even more but he handled it after telling the dentist about them several times. She checked all his teeth and he had something wedged in his gum near his teeth. Thankfully she was able to get it out quickly and he was off to school. It took him a minute to want to leave the dentist's office though because he loves his dentist so much.
I took him to school and he knew he was going to be picked up for his music therapy by his grandma since I had an appointment too. He did fantastic at music therapy. His therapist said he loved their tree. It was like a tree fort with all the twinkle lights. I’m so glad he had a good day with her.
My mom brought him to me for his vision therapy. He was a bit more hyper for me and he kept yelling and then would say “We don’t yell.” He was very focused on clothes, shoes, and gum. Plus he wanted to lick everything in sight. I pray this becomes a thing of the past soon. He was able to do some of his exercises but it was a lot for him today.
I am feeling beyond blessed. God is so good. I went for a follow-up on my port today because it was red but when the doctor checked it out it was just where they had gotten close to a blood vessel. But the great news was they got my reports back from my surgery and I am cancer free. It sounded so good to hear it. When I left the office I told everyone I saw that I just got my report back and I was cancer free. I like to shout it from the rooftops or at least floor by floor as I was going out to my car. I am beyond thankful for all the love and support for me and my family on this journey. I will still have some follow-up treatments to make sure there are no hiding cells but I am feeling so fortunate to be cancer free. I am also thankful that I am still feeling great from the surgery.
Each day is a gift. Today there were so many blessings. I am beyond thankful for those happy moments. Owen crawled into my arms before bedtime and that was the icing on the cake. Live life forward. Focus on the good stuff. Smiles to all and donut daze!