He wanted his tablet but he started talking about his old school and new school. I was thankful that he switched from talking about his previous teacher to now saying he was in middle school and mentioning his new teacher. I know that he has a hard time processing the breaks so I’m glad that he realizes now that he is back at the middle school it is his school and he isn’t going back to elementary school. He loved his old school and all the staff so I know part of it is missing who he was with but I’m thankful for how well he transitioned to his new school.
My friend came to pick us up for my chemo infusion. We dropped Owen off with my mom and he was so happy to be meeting her before school. He was excited to have her drop him off even though he was sad to be missing the bus. I’m so glad they have a close relationship. She is absolutely amazing with him and they share such a great bond.
I was praying that his therapy sessions would go great today. His grandma picked him up and they got caught up in a lot of construction traffic. Owen does not like being in traffic but he remained focused on getting to his therapy. Thankfully both his therapists did all his favorite activities and he was able to keep him on track. He told his one therapist he was sorry and to me that took so courage and understanding of what had happened. True progress in my eyes. His therapist had him help her decide what to wear next week so hopefully, it will keep him focused again and he can make more progress.
He had a calm evening except for his need to continue to talk about his previous teacher. I’m hoping that he can focus more on where he goes to school now and not continue to talk about the past. The evening quickly turned into bedtime and he was happy. I am so happy about his progress and what he is making connections to.
Each day is a gift. My labs came back good and since I have made great progress the doctor upped my dosage to the full amount for the last two since I have been tolerating it all so well. One more after this and then I will have my reevaluation with my surgeon. Praying for the best results and comfort in knowing that my doctors say I will be cured. I know God is walking with me on every step of this journey. Today Owen told me I got my medicine in my medicine box and then I can grow my hair. I’m thankful he understands the connection and it helps me thrive in all of this. Life is a balance of facing our challenges and letting go of our past to have the best future we could ever dream of. Smiles to all and donut daze!