I asked him what he wanted to do after church. He said, “Go to the park play in the mud take a big bubble bath put head in water bubbles on head.” It was all big details. I hated to tell him that most likely there wasn’t going to be any mud but I wondered if we would even go to the park after church.
We got ready for church and he wanted me to wear a dress and bunny ears. I told him I would have my bunny ears on but I wouldn’t be wearing a dress. He moved on to what he was wearing and what his therapist had not been wearing. He quickly listened and we headed out the door.
We got in the car and he realized he had forgotten his headphones and glasses. I asked him if he wanted to go back inside and get them. He said yes so we went back inside. I opened the door and he went right to them, put them on, and back to the car we went. I’m so proud of him for remembering, telling me he wanted them, and doing the follow-through.
Owen did great at church and all the way home. He didn’t want to go to the park after church because he realized there was no mud. He left his coat in the car and got very upset. He was about to have a meltdown and wouldn’t stop crying until I went and got it. After that, he was very calm.
The rest of the day he only asked me a few times about his best friend and if he would see him in August at his new school. He wanted to talk to his teacher and was sad he couldn’t see her today. He wanted me to wear my bunny ears all day but I told him that they made me too hot. He checked to make sure his Monday was going according to plan and that made him very happy.
After he took his bath he wanted more dinner even though it was almost bedtime. After that, he wanted to come sit in bed with me until it was time for him to go to bed. He talked more about my bunny ears and then when the timer went off he headed to his bed where he asked several more times if I would be wearing them tomorrow. I told him yes and then he went to lie down.
He is making progress and has felt a lot calmer the last few days. I’m thankful for this and I’m hoping that since he is making more connections it will help with the blue pants and repetitive behaviors. He told me to laugh today which immediately made me laugh. Hearing him laugh is a beautiful thing. Find your ray of sunshine even in the midst of rain. Smiles to all and donut daze!