The morning went quickly. He was ready to get his day started and he wanted to get out to the street. He talked about seeing all his people at school. I was happy when he listed the rest of the days of the week instead of only saying the end of the week. I could tell by the way he said it that he was processing it as the week was happening and not focusing on a day that was still far away.
Out to wait for the bus we went. He was happy and focused. He wanted to cross the street without me but I do not want him to get that in his mind. I remind him constantly that he has to wait for me, look for cars, and then we can cross the road together.
He was calm standing there as we were breathing together and counting. Then a lady drove extremely slow by us and yelled out her window “You waiting on the school bus.” This sent him into overdrive and all I could do was continue to talk about seeing the bus in a minute and reminding him to breathe. I never know what the world is going to throw at us to remind him to breathe. The lady had no clue how her words would impact him, how could she, but it takes so much for him to process situations like this, sometimes. The bus came around the corner and off he went.
When he came home he was all smiles. The bus let him off and he ran to get in his spot again. The bus took off and the driver honked the horn. The smiles got bigger from Owen as the bus took off around the corner and then he came running towards me. He did this jump and came to tell me about Spookley again. I love how much he loves the bus.
The night seemed to go quickly. He was much calmer and was focused again on tomorrow. He didn’t change his focus for the day until he got in bed and then he started yelling about Friday. I’m not sure why he gets his mind ahead on days but he was focused on talking to his teacher about summer school right as he drifted off to sleep. I’m praying for a good night's sleep for us both. His smile, giggles, and the random songs he sang tonight made my heart happy. Find what makes you smile, let the giggles win, and sing with all your might. Smiles to all and donut daze!