His focus shifted to talking about taking his teacher’s scissors and using glue sticks. He laughed about it and would go back and forth on what he was going to do. It was like he was having a conversation with her and he thought it was hilarious. He then talked about not going back to elementary school.
He was so upset because I was not wearing a hat. My hair growing out has been very hard on him. If I am not wearing a hat he gets upset. He tells me to put a hat on and then when I say in a little bit he will say “Tomorrow I will try to remember.” From there it can spiral if I don’t distract him enough or put the hat on. I knew my hair would be hard on him. I pray every day for him to be able to process it. My heart aches at how every single change is hard for him.
I’m focused on finding ways for him to accept change and our growth in those moments. Any new thing he does or accepts quickly is cause for a huge celebration. He ate a bagel with veggie cream cheese. He is trying different things and starting to like things at different places. That is a big step for him. He used to only eat certain foods in certain locations. My mom would make food at her house but he wouldn’t eat it there. I would bring it home and he would eat it at our house.
He knew it was February 2nd. I’m always amazed at how he keeps track of all of this. He was definitely focused on it being Sunday and he was ready to go to church. I was more than ready too. The morning had been very rough for me. One wrong word, one wrong move is like losing a thousand chess matches with him. He holds on to your words and actions and repeats them over and over again. And this is for both right or wrong. He is so intelligent that he doesn’t forget a thing. He doesn’t always know how to respond to something but he certainly never forgets anything.
It was good to be at church and it was a great message that I have been reflecting on since I got home. Owen was glad to be at church too. I was still trying to only answer Sunday questions but he wanted to make sure he was going to school tomorrow. I reassured him he was going to school tomorrow, knowing that I can say the words but it doesn’t always mean it is so. I am trying to stay focused on the good stuff though and not dwell on those moments I cannot change.
He stayed pretty calm as the night wore on and so did I. He wanted his bath early. He actually took himself out of the bath without me telling him to. He was going to get back in and I said that once he was out he was out. He ate his dinner and then played on his tablet. He was happy tomorrow was Monday and his routine would continue.
His words and connections are becoming more precise. He was telling me the percentage left of battery on his tablet and what things we had to do before his bedtime. He sat on the couch and he said he was “twirling his hair” while he was doing it. That felt like another huge step to me. He laughed when he said it and said, “Mommy likes laugh.” It makes me so happy he knows. Share your happy day with the world and let those moments wash everything else away. Smiles to all and donut daze!