Owen kept repeating “Go to church next week” so hopefully I have explained it enough for him. He was doing pretty good about it all and also talking about not going to school tomorrow. He was involving the leprechauns and asking them to go other places tomorrow so he gets it but doesn’t completely get it.
We ate pepperoni rolls for second breakfast. He was happy and thankfully very calm. He kept talking about my bananas and making sure that I had thrown them away, even though he was the one who had thrown them away. As soon as I finished them, he was ready for tomorrow’s adventure with the bananas.
We played a lot of games and he played on his tablet. He sat with me reading and we watched the weather come in on the traffic cameras. He asked to go to a couple of places tomorrow if school was canceled and I tried to explain to him again that if school was canceled, we wouldn’t be able to go anywhere. Within a few hours, they sent a message that said the schools were closed tomorrow. He had already been talking about it being another holiday. He asked, which days would be the holidays this week. I made sure to keep telling him that we wouldn’t know until the day. That way he wouldn’t get upset if we had to stay home more days.
He asked for ten dinners and settled on fish. It seemed like he didn’t leave the table all day. He had several breakfasts, then lunch and dinner plus he ate several snacks as well. Then he asked for a bath so he could have his tablet before bed. This is his new way of asking for more time. I told him he doesn’t have to have a bath to have his tablet.
Calm happened for the rest of the night. He said he was going back to school on Wednesday. We shall see how busy the leprechauns can be. They needed to get the leprechauns to fix all the roads tomorrow and his school needed to be leprechauned first. He told me that the leprechauns were swimming too but I wasn’t sure why.
I’m thankful was making all the connections and I think the leprechauns were helping. He was very calm about not going to school even though he got out of bed four times to check what was happening tomorrow. I hope he sleeps all night and that he remains calm throughout the day. He sang and he listened to tons of videos in many languages. His laughter filled my heart and made the day go fast. Find what makes you happy and let your heart be filled with laughter. Smiles to all and donut daze!