He was very happy that another one of the driving videos would be “available” in “thirty-six minutes and set the timer.” He wanted to make sure he didn’t miss it so he came to me with his tablet to show me the countdown clock and then he wanted to make sure he set the timer correctly. He would randomly come back to show me the countdown clock and timer. When it finally was available he watched as the person drove to the different areas he loves.
He was off to school after a big debate about his clothes and continuing to lean over and bite his pants. I changed him to his requested blue sweatpants and then he was happy about the start to his day. Before he could get on the bus he had to make sure he was going all the days next week and that he was seeing his teacher today. Off they went to one of his happy places.
He got home from school and immediately started talking about tomorrow. He told me how he was going to look at Google Earth to see all the fire hydrants he would go by and the blue church. I’m not sure which one is the blue church but I’m sure he can name them all and where they are. He was very concerned about my bunny ears and he wanted me to sit. The calmer he is the calmer the night goes and hopefully, he will sleep all night. Friday nights are always up in the air about how well he will sleep.
He never watches where he is walking. If I move one thing for any amount of time he will walk right into it. He now is starting to say “pay attention” when he is walking especially when he walks into something. One of the reasons he is in physical therapy is that he has a hard time with the concept of space and how to move his body. He would stand at the top of the stairs and spin around. He will look one way while walking in the opposite direction so I am always looking for ways to get him to pay attention to his surroundings. His vision therapy is also helping him to focus more on where he is about how he moves. I set up obstacle courses to help him learn to be more self-aware and work with how his body moves.
He was so much calmer about my head when it was balder. Now that it is growing out he only wants me to wear the bunny ears and is constantly talking about me having long hair again. It is like he can’t look at it because it’s not long. He seemed to handle it better when I first shaved my head. It’s growing but not fast enough for my sweet baby O. He keeps saying “When the medicine done then you have green ponytail” or he will say blonde or purple hair. I know he is trying to process it all and I know how hard it has been on him with my hair gone.
Calm was the name of the game for the night and I was thankful for that. He played music for me and we sang together. He listed all the foods he wanted for dinner which was pretty much everything we had in the house except waffles. When I asked him to pick one he said he wanted waffles and chicken. It’s always an adventure with food but I’m glad he eats a wide variety. Here’s to a good night of sleep so he can go to his grandma’s tomorrow. I love that he laughs his fake laugh because he knows I love to hear him laugh. Fill your heart with laughter and share your joy. Smiles to all and donut daze!