I don’t often talk about medicines and supplements because there is always a debate about what should be used and who should use it. Plus, what works for one person does not always work for someone else. Off and on for years, I tried to give Owen melatonin and instead of it helping him sleep it kept him awake. I tried many other types of supplements and nothing worked. We went to numerous sleep specialists and had multiple tests done. The one medicine we tried caused the opposite of what it was supposed to so we once again moved forward.
Lavender baths were supposed to be calming and instead that made him wide awake and wake up even more times which I couldn’t even imagine was possible when he would wake up four and five times a night to begin with.
Sleep did not become more consistent until I tried melatonin again after years of it not working. Plus a little help from Curious George and the man in the yellow hat saying that if Curious George needed him he would be in the other room. After that Owen didn’t even want me to come in the room to say good night. He wanted me to stand right at the door and off he went to his bed. Since then he has been sleeping so much better with only a few nights of no sleep.
Last night was one of those nights. Any change in anything can cause a difference for him and once again trying new things does not always go according to plan. It is an emotional decision trying to decide if your child should be on medicine or any type of supplements.
After many hours of him going to his room only to return moments later, flipping the lights on and off, and then coming to me to ask me if he could go to the bathroom while raising his hand, I was finally able to convince him to come to lie down in my bed. Thankfully within a few minutes, he was out and slept the rest of the night.
When he woke up he was rested, happy, and ready to get to school. This made my day and I was thankful he had slept so well. My heart aches for the hard moments when he can’t process something. The queen of overthinking is right there to make sure I overthink it enough.
We got ready for school and he was calm as we headed out to “walk in the road” and he at least listened as I went over the rules again. The bus came and off they went. When he came back from school he immediately started talking about seeing his teacher tomorrow when he got off the bus. He watched the bus drive away and then we went inside.
As soon as we walked in the door he wanted “chocolate milk veggie straws and sausage dogs please.” He ate all of it and that was just the beginning. I could tell he was tired but he was happy and hungry. He sat at the table singing songs as he played on his tablet.
After he ate he came to sit with me and he snuggled in my arms. I cherish these days because they don’t happen as often as they did when he was younger. He wanted me to watch some videos with him. He got up for round three or four of more food and then it was time for his bath.
Bedtime was right around the corner and he was out quickly this time. I’m praying that he sleeps better tonight. I went back to our old routine and supplements so I hope that helps for a good night. His hugs and that super smile made my day. Each day is a gift. Find your ray of sunshine in the chaos and cherish those moments. Smiles to all and donut daze!