Somehow I noticed with his new slip-on sneakers he pulled the strap loose which was the extra support for the tongue. Technically he can still wear them but he wants to pull on the elastic more. Yesterday I cut part of the strap since it was loose and now he keeps asking me to “cut the shoes.”
He wore his Velcro shoes today but that goes through a whole other set of rules for him. Finding shoes that he likes and doesn’t destroy has always been a work in progress. Tie shoes cause numerous problems and he is starting to like slip-on shoes so much better. On to find the next new pair.
We got ready and we went outside to wait for the bus. He wanted to make sure that I was going to pick him up for his music therapy. He had asked me numerous times, but he still wanted to make sure once again. The bus got there and he started jumping up and down but before he could get on the bus, he had to ask me several more times.
When I picked him up from school, his teacher said he was a little distracted today, but in a good mood. We headed to his music therapy and I thought about what he keeps telling me when we pass certain gas stations. At first, I didn’t understand what he was referencing but the more I realized he was talking about situations that happened years ago. I had a tire that kept randomly losing air. Several times I had to put air in the tire. Was saying “Pump the tire” at the gas stations that I had gone to. I didn’t realize what he was telling me until he pointed out where I had gotten gas and put air in my tire. It was a gas station. I never went to except for that one time his memory is incredible.
All the way to his music therapy we talked about how excited he was to see his therapist. Right before we got there he said that he wasn’t going to mention her blue pants, he mentioned her blue pants. He was once again, very distracted, but on the way home, he told me how much fun he had with her.
We came home because he reminded me that he needed a snack before we went to vision therapy. I had asked him if he wanted to go get a snack, but that was part of the reminder was we had to go home. He needed it to be in his routine and I understand.
Before we left for his vision therapy, he wanted me to give him a haircut, but I said that I would he said we had to go get a haircut. I’m excited that he wants to go again to get his haircut and that he’s talking about it. He told me that he wanted the clippers to be used.
He did much better at his vision therapy. He was pointing and following her letter cues. He worked on catching with two hands and focusing on her. I have seen incredible progress with his skills.
When we got home, he ate his dinner and then he was ready to take a “quick bath” so he could play on his tablet. He was reliving everything I have ever told him I do believe in the tub. He was reminding me of things that I had not said to him for years and it amazes me the details that he remembers. He was talking about that we haven’t had in forever.
Bedtime went quickly after he had to turn on and off all of the lights numerous times. I pray once again that he sleeps all night. I’m thankful that he was calm and for the most part, had a great evening.
Each day, I’m more amazed by my son’s memory and how he is figuring out the world. His smile, his laugh and his big hugs are exactly what I need. Find your strength and remember that you are amazing. Smiles to all and donut daze!