He asked me if he was riding the bus, he asked me again if he was riding the bus, then again, and a few more agains and agains. He wanted to make sure when he would see our friend again that took him to school yesterday. He wanted to make sure he was riding the bus and he was going to continue to ask me in every way he knew. Next, he checked to see if he was going to see his grandma today and if she was taking him to school. I answered the same way. He then went through the other people that have taken him to school before and made sure none of them were taking him to school today. He doesn’t forget a thing. He then went back through his list of people and asked when he could see them again. It is amazing how he connects everything together. Once he thought of all the ways he could confirm he was going to school and it was on the bus he took his tablet and went to sit under his blanket tent.
I fixed his requested breakfast and he came to the table. Once again the bus questions started. He asked who he was going to see today and when he was going to see them next. He was not going to stop until it was bus time, leaving a few moments in there where he sprinkled the questions about what everyone was wearing and that he wanted to wear blue pants.
We got ready and went out to wait for the bus. As the bus turned the corner the questions started flowing as to which days he would ride the bus to and from school. He thrives on his routine and knowing what his schedule is. He handled the snow days better than he has done in the past but now he asks even more questions to confirm his routine.
When he came home from school I asked him if he wanted to play his guitar or ukulele for me. He sat in the chair and grabbed his ukulele. He sang numerous songs and was very expressive. He has come so incredibly far and I can see how he is using his fingers more with the strings.
The night went quickly. He was very calm and only asked me a few times about tomorrow. He ate a lot for dinner and wanted his bath so he could have his tablet even though he had his tablet. One day maybe he will be able to explain to me why he thinks he has to have a bath to have his tablet. I think he is making sure that he will have extra time with it but I’m not sure if that is what he is thinking.
I’m thankful for a great day and that he is back in school. He has made incredible progress at school and I know that he is thriving. Here’s to another great night of sleep and a wonderful day tomorrow. Always remember you are amazing. Today is one moment in time. Let tomorrow be your day to shine. Smiles to all and donut daze!