He wanted his usual chocolate milk and cereal when he got out of bed the second time. It wasn’t long before he was requesting more. He was very calm this morning after our initial start. Although he wasn’t that upset when he was telling me about his teeth not being cranky. I think it had woken him up because he bit his mouth.
He talked about his teacher and if he would see her in August as he was eating his cereal. That was the topic of most of our conversations throughout the day. Throw in a few times about when he would see his best friend, what days he was riding the bus, and who else he would be seeing completely monopolized most of his thoughts. I tried to distract him with other conversations but sometimes that is hard.
We got ready and went out to wait for the bus. I am so happy he loves school and riding the bus. He saw the bus coming and he got so excited. He asked a couple more times if he would see his teacher in August and then he got on the bus.
This conversation continued when he came home from school but then he wanted to know who was picking him up tomorrow even though he knew who was going to pick him up. He was very excited about that. We had some friends stop by and he asked them to leave. This is his standard response to anyone who stops by. He handled it fine but it can be hard for him to process.
Dinner was met with the same conversations but his focus was a little more on his friend. He wanted to know if he would be in summer school with him and then if he would be at middle school with him. All questions that I think I know the answers to but as I try to explain to him you never know until it happens.
Bedtime was upon us and he was calm and this time his focus was back on who was picking him up tomorrow. He asked to brush his teeth so I’m hoping that he sleeps better tonight. Tomorrow is my surgery and I am ready. I know God is walking with me on this journey and I am beyond thankful for the prayers and support from everyone. Each person’s journey is different but remember your story is important because it will help someone along the way. Smiles to all and donut daze!