The morning didn’t go according to plan. I should have had plenty of time but you know when one thing happens the tumbleweeds keep tumbling. I just seemed to do everything backwards and everything took longer than expected. Thankfully I wasn’t late to my appointments but like the rest of the morning, I didn’t realize I was seeing my doctor as well. It all worked out fine but just threw my morning off. The center is amazing though and they all are very patient and kind. It is nice to know they are here for their patients and walk us through all the steps.
Owen was completely in his element with his grandma. She is so amazing with him and I’m so thankful for their relationship. It’s such a great experience for him and she truly helps him thrive. She gives with all her heart to both of us and she helps him by working on life skills sprinkled in between all the fun they have.
He has been doing so incredibly well with the repetitive words. If he goes through the words and starts repeating himself I remind him that he knows the answers and he is doing amazing. If he keeps repeating them I talk to him about the five minutes rule and he stops. I am so thankful for how far he has come so quickly and it has truly been life-changing. I know there will still be days that we have to work through it but since he has made this much progress already I know he can push through it all.
He is so excited about school starting and I am excited for him. He thrives in the school environment and the routine helps him. I can tell a difference immediately in his behavior and everything he goes through. Plus the whole bus experience is something he absolutely loves and they are all great with him.
When I got him from my mom I could tell he was feeling a lot better. He had a good day with his grandma and he went to his therapy. He was elevated throughout the day and he has been more emotional lately. He is still learning how to cry and he will now cry through those moments that he never used to. It is so hard to watch him cry but I’m thankful that can express himself more.
Right before bedtime, he started getting anxious about what school he was going to. He kept talking about his previous school and also going to summer school. These moments were very emotional for him. He listed all his teachers and support staff and both his previous school and his summer school but then he talked about his new school and seeing all his friends. He knew his teacher’s name and the autism mentor in his classroom. He was very excited about it. So many emotions attached to tomorrow. I am praying for a good night's sleep and a beautiful tomorrow that meets all his expectations.
He hugged me good night and he fell asleep in mid-sentence about his teacher. Here’s to a great year. His laughter says it all and as emotional as he was tonight that laughter sings through and brings joy to my heart. Let laughter fill your heart and bring you the joy you are seeking. It will change your world. Smiles to all and donut daze!