I hadn’t told Owen all that he was doing today because I knew it might be on his mind when he went to bed and cause him to wake early. He was going to be with his grandma for most of the day but he was also meeting his new speech therapist. I was excited about this for him. He loves meeting new people and I was hoping this would be a good fit for him. I was also happy we were trying a new place because it would give him more interactions on how to handle himself with all of these changes. To me, the learning experience is as much about the steps he takes as what he is learning with the actual therapy.
We got ready and he spent time with his grandma while I had my physical therapy. Even though I was exhausted I was able to do more of the exercises than the last time and felt stronger. When my appointment was done my mom brought Owen to me for his speech appointment. I was so thankful for how it went. I think he made a connection with the new therapist and she was very kind.
When we were done with his appointment he went to stay with my mom for a few hours and I came home and slept. I was feeling better but exhaustion was right there. I was thankful for the time to sleep and felt better when I woke up. I picked Owen up and we had dinner. My appetite is not even something I can figure out yet. What should sound good sounds awful and what I think would not go over well sounds great but I have to pay attention to my stomach.
The laughter filled the air as the night went on. Owen’s laugh is truly my blessing. The moments I feel weak or like I will cry his laugh brings me into the moment and I know what this journey is all about. He is my greatest gift and I’m so beyond thankful.
“Thirty-oneth,” he said, trying to tell me tomorrow was July 31st. We practiced it several times after that and by the end of the day he was saying it correctly but I might like his version better. I think back to how far he has come and all the words he said to me today and I’m truly thankful. He went through phrases with Siri and Alexa that he hadn’t asked them in a while and the laughter was even bigger. “Something went wrong please try again in Arabic,” he said giggling before she could even translate. He asked for phrases in German, Spanish, and French within moments after that.
The night ended with him telling me all of the videos he had found that have broken links or are no longer available. This used to cause screams and now he told me them all so calmly. Oh, how my sweet baby O has grown.
Bedtime was quick for him and I know it will be for me too. I’m thankful I’m feeling better than yesterday. I’m praying for more of an appetite tomorrow. It’s funny how something like this can make you learn to live again. Don’t let today go by without making tomorrow a priority. Be joyful in each day and let that bring your heart the happiness you deserve. Smiles to all and donut daze!