We got ready and he wanted to wait for the bus. At the beginning of each school year, it always happens; the bus schedule. They never give the bus people enough time to figure out their routes and contact the parents to get the times to them. Plus, the routes will take longer because more people will be out on the roads when school is back in session. I know it is hard on the bus people and it is extremely hard for Owen to wait for the bus. Even though he doesn’t technically know time he knows when he is supposed to be going to school. He just senses it.
I should have kept him distracted in the house but he wanted to go outside. He couldn’t wait in his usual spot because there was too much traffic. Plus, the bus came from a different direction, and that threw him off. He will adjust, we will adjust, and the bus will adjust, but it’s just hard to explain it all to Owen. Thankfully the bus aide let me know that he did amazingly on the way to school and that always makes my day.
He came home happy as a lark. He got off the bus and he always likes to stand where he can watch them “go bye-bye.” He has come so far and I’m so proud of him. I’m thankful that he loves the bus so much and it makes such a huge impact on his life.
I asked him how his day went. He never knows how to answer that but I try to prompt him with questions that might be helpful so we can have a conversation about it. I asked him what he ate and it is pretty much always the same response with foods he hears from songs he likes. Sometimes I think he tells me what he had. His report that his teacher sent home was good though and that once again makes this momma’s heart so happy. I think he is going to have an incredible year.
He ate his snack and then we were off to his vision therapy. I love how caring his doctor is with him and he was able to do some of the exercises that he couldn’t do a few months ago. He is growing so much. He was very distracted by wanting her to chew gum so he could talk about that with her. He never forgets a thing so he generally brings up things that we haven’t talked about in months or all the things we talked about the week before. He amazes me with all the details he remembers.
We came home and ate dinner. He was very calm and I think middle school might be wearing him out. He truly is doing well with it and I know that once his schedule is a little set this will be better for him and he won’t be so concerned with “new school on Friday.” I hope that after this full week, he will be able to understand this is where he goes to school now. He has asked about his old school and summer school so I know he is trying to process it all.
It did not take him long to fall asleep. He was out so quickly and I pray for another great night of sleep for him. There is no stopping my sweet baby O. I know he will soar to new heights and succeed in everything he does. That is what I always remind him of. The best thing you can do for yourself is believe you can accomplish anything if you set your mind to it. You will succeed. Smiles to all and donut daze!