We had a little bit of time before we had to get ready. I wanted to let him settle into his day before we had to go wait for the bus. He came to sit with me and he laughed about his tablet. His laugh gets me every time. I told him we had to start getting dressed and he asked for five more minutes. I couldn’t resist the cuddles.
We went out to wait for the bus and he told me “Walk in the street.” I asked him what he had to do first and he said, “Look for cars.” It’s still not a process he can do on his own or will even understand to watch for them but he is getting it.
Owen was upset as soon as he got off the bus and almost started crying because there was a car parked in front of our house. It’s a public street so there is nothing wrong with someone parking there but for him this is hard. There isn’t supposed to be a car there. He halfheartedly ran down the street to watch the bus drive away but he quickly turned back to me before he got to his usual spot. I was able to get him inside and thankfully the car drove away when he looked out the window and before he had a huge meltdown. Something like this can throw his entire night off.
He was able to calm down and move forward. He spent the evening talking about his tablet, playing his harmonica, and making sure about his schedule ahead. He is hoping that he will get to see his friend again soon. I’m hoping he has another great night of sleep and I do too. I’m thankful for how much he loves music because it goes straight to my heart. Focus on the good stuff and let everything else wash away. Smiles to all and donut daze!