Today was rough. It followed the night I had. I pray for strength. I pray for calm in my system. I talked with my nurse and she adjusted my medication. Thankfully I haven’t been sick since overnight. I was able to eat more food today and drinking Gatorade helped tremendously.
Owen was a dream all day. He was so calm and we worked together on many learning lessons. I talked to him about being sick and he told me I had to get medicine in my “medicine box.” I’m thankful that he understands what we are going through in the best way he can. My hair is still a big concern but I will go get another haircut soon especially since I have already started losing it.
We got ready and we met his grandma. He stayed with her all afternoon. I love the connection they have and all the amazing things she has taught him. He came home talking about all the days he was going to see her between now and when school started. I’m not quite sure that he will see her on all of them but he wants to.
He was extremely calm all night even when he was talking about all his friends he would be seeing when he went back to school. Somehow he started mentioning that he would see different people in each of the months and then he told me that Christmas was at the end of December. I am always amazed at how his mind works and how brilliant he is.
He was ready for his day tomorrow and it didn’t take much to convince him to go to bed. My mom has been working on ways for him to understand his schedule and it is making a huge difference with him now. He never has liked to see physical calendars or schedules, but he’s finally starting to accept them.
I pray for sleep tonight and no more sickness. Owen has been sleeping incredibly well and I hope that continues. His laughter, his smile, and his amazing quest for knowledge are the bright spots in my day. Never give up on the hope for tomorrow. There are so many miracles that are still going to happen. Smiles to all and donut daze!