He started talking about his days ahead and then he kept repeating about his friend being at school in December. He wouldn’t stop so I told him that he would have to give up his tablet for five minutes. I took his tablet and he immediately said it again so I added five more minutes to his time. I told him he could still talk about his friends and school but once his question was answered then we had to move forward. He did great the rest of the day with this.
He was eating a little bit more today and had a second breakfast before we got ready to go to Grandma’s house. He did great on the way there and my mom said he was very calm the whole day. I am thankful that he isn’t having to repeat his words as much and he can be redirected to talking about other things.
He did great on the way home for me. He said one thing about a turn and then he told himself to not say it again and talked about church and who he wanted to see. I loved that he was able to go through the process and self-direct himself to talk about something else. It was such incredible progress.
He had a great night. He tested me a couple of times by repeating some phrases but he quickly looked at me to see what I would say and then changed the subject. He is learning and still trying to figure out how far he can push the boundaries but truly thankful for how calm he is now. It has been life-changing over the last week and I know that it will keep being such a blessing on his growth.
Nighttime came quickly. He talked to me about church and seeing all the people he wants to see. I love his love for his people. Knowing that he has made these incredible connections fills my heart with gladness. I was thankful for a good day for me as well. My stomach has been much better with my medication changes and the swelling in my feet has gone down some. I’m praying for no sickness in the days ahead. Give each day your all. Some days the weight of the world sits there in your mist but push it away and let your gladness shine through. It will change your whole world. Smiles to all and donut daze!