He started giggling and was telling himself something else but I was not sure what he was talking about. I went to talk to him and he asked about the kids he will see in August. He told me no soccer today just grandma. I asked him if he wanted to skip this week and go next week and he said, “No yoga” so I have pretty much determined he does not want to go to soccer. I will try again next week but last time we went he was done before we even got out of the car.
He had a very calm morning. We laughed and he listened very well. I talked to him about how he handled himself yesterday and explained how we have to work together when we are out someplace. I want him to understand he is allowed to do things he wants but he has to be respectful of others and what they want to do as well. He listened and the more I talk to him about it the more connections are forming.
We got ready and headed off to Grandma’s house. She had put up his new tent in their yard for him to play in. He had fun with it and enjoyed his time there. He thought I came back too early to pick him up but he handled it like a champ.
He did great on the way home until we got to our street. He was so upset because there were cars parked in front of our house and they were having a gathering at a building near us. He kept telling the empty cars to leave and wanted to make sure no one was coming here. He started crying as soon as we turned on our street. It breaks my heart how hard this can be for him sometimes. He hadn’t been this upset in quite some time about the cars but we are now back in this cycle.
I tried to distract him but it’s the crying that gets me. He hasn’t been this severe in a couple of years. I could tell the other day when we came home that he was getting upset by cars again because the neighbor parked in front of our house. He was upset but didn’t cry. For the rest of the night, he would go to the window and then would tell me “They leaving” even though it was an empty car still parked in front of our house.
I can only imagine how he must feel. I distracted him as much as I could and had him sit with me but I still know that he was upset about it. I pray every day for change and for us to find the perfect place for us to move. I know that no matter where we move there will be new experiences and different challenges but I’m hoping to find something much quieter for him.
He is looking forward to church tomorrow and seeing his friends. I’m thankful for his progress and all that he is learning. Each day we keep moving forward. I pray for more understanding and connections for both of us. Let yesterday motivate you, let today be your inspiration, and make tomorrow exactly what you want it to be. Smiles to all and donut daze!