The morning went great and he was doing fine. The dude is packing away the food. He ate his first and second breakfast and it didn’t seem long until lunch and then a snack was devoured. I am glad he eats a wide variety of food. He wanted fish for lunch and chicken for dinner.
He started talking about going to the park at lunch. Sometimes he says things and he doesn’t want to do them but wants to see what I say. I told him we could go if he wanted to. He finished his lunch and then off to play again.
I asked Owen if he remembered what I was doing tomorrow and he said, “Getting medicine.” He will go stay with his grandma while I am at the chemo session tomorrow. I am ready to get this going. I am glad that he is starting to understand about all of my appointments and what is happening.
Over the last few weeks, I have gotten lots of phone calls. Thankfully now he is better with phone calls. I think back to the days when a thirty-second phone call would make him have meltdowns that would last for hours. Now when I get calls he may interrupt three or four times but he will at least let me talk without screaming at me. He wants to know who it is but mostly will say “doctor” when anyone calls and I confirm that it is so it will be easier for him. He wants to remind me to tell them “toodles toodles” when the call is over. This is huge growth for him and everyone understands when they are talking to me I may need something repeated several times but I am so thankful for how far he has come.
He decided he did want to go to the park so we went to the one with the lake. He played on the equipment but he wanted to go in the lake. I told him he couldn’t swim in this one but maybe we could go fishing before that or another lake he can swim in. He loved the swing and wanted to be pushed into the clouds. Our friend met us there to drop something off for me and he was so excited to have someone else to push him to the clouds as well.
Dinner, bath time, and bedtime seemed to flow right into each other. He was very focused on school and when he got to go back. He wanted me to say he was all done with school even though he knew he would be going back in August. Thankfully he fell asleep quickly and he is happy he will be spending the day with his grandma.
Tomorrow is my first chemo treatment. I’m ready to get this show on the road. This is not the path I thought I would be on right now but it is the journey I am taking. I’m not scared. I’m not afraid. I’m not fearful. I know that God is on this journey with me every step of the way and that gives me the strength to face tomorrow. I have voted for the no-sickness route and I know that tomorrow will be the next day towards the rest of my life. I’m in it to win it.
I’m thankful Owen had a good day. He had some anxious times but through this, there is always growth. I believe in the many tomorrows to come for both of us and the stronger we will be together. Find strength in knowing that you have overcome circumstances you never imagined would be put in front of you and tomorrow is that stepping stone to an amazing life. Smiles to all and donut daze!