When I got up the breakfast request came in. It’s funny he generally requests foods he doesn’t want or we don’t have and then he gets to the lists of things he does want. Cereal was his first request after the list of things he didn’t want and then he decided he wanted pancakes.
He told me he wasn’t going to his grandma’s house today because he was going Saturday. I know that is why he was up so early. He was anxious about me being there at the same time as him. I reminded him this was a special occasion and that he would be going on Saturday to spend time with her. I asked him again if he wanted to go to grandma’s and he said yes.
We got ready and headed out the door. I could tell he was still anxious but he was handling it much better. He got in the car and started screaming about it being his turn. I reminded him that it was my turn and he kept screaming. I pulled over and told him we would go home if he didn’t stop screaming at me. He said grandma’s house and there was not one more scream from him.
We got to grandma’s house and he immediately started talking about “Mommy go bye-bye.” I reminded him it was a holiday and I would be staying the whole time. He talked to his grandma about it as well and then that was that. He would occasionally mention it but he did incredibly well. He was happy to be playing on his grandma’s tablet and computer. He even ate several of the foods my mom prepared and he ate at least one bite of everything. I always make him try new things or revisit foods he didn’t like before to see if he likes them now and because of this he ate potatoes that he doesn’t normally like.
When we were ready to go he said, “Set the timer” because he wanted to stay longer. I let him know that I was very proud of him for being able to be there with me the whole time. He had a few little behavioral issues like licking my head and the table but we reminded him that he had to be kind and this wasn’t something we did. He stopped and told me “Sorry Mommy.”
We got home and he reminded me that he was going to grandma’s house on Saturday without me. I told him that he was right. And then he asked for shrimp for dinner. I fixed his shrimp and he devoured it all. He was calm for the rest of the night.
I’m thankful for a good day and time to spend with my family. Owen handled it like a champ and hopefully, each time we do this it will get easier for him. He laughed a lot today and that is exactly what this momma needed to hear. Celebrate all your victories. The littlest of victories can lead to the hugest of successes. Smiles to all and donut daze!