He was asking lots of questions. He knew that tomorrow he had the day off so this automatically brought him to question what school he would go to on Wednesday. I wish I could make him feel confident in the fact that he is moving forward and not back to his old school. He asked about being at the new school and his teacher. I reminded him that he will see his teacher again on Wednesday.
He wanted to get dressed but he didn’t want me to come out of my room. He was getting very anxious about tomorrow so he tried to delay what was happening. I asked him if he wanted to stay home or go to school. He immediately answered with school so I then said if you wanted to go to school what do we have to do? He replied, “Get ready.” Out to wait for the bus we went and he was happy as a lark to get on the bus.
I picked him up from school and his teacher and I talked for a minute about the twirling of his hair. She is going to work with him on trying to redirect him with fidget toys and other methods. I’m thankful to have the support of his teacher with this.
We got to his music therapy and he was pretty calm but focused on what his therapist would be wearing. He kept asking one of our friends who was there if she knew what she would be wearing. His therapist came to get him for his session and he immediately talked to her about not wearing blue pants. She is really good about redirecting and pushing forward. She said he had a good session and they were able to do several activities that were not always his routine choices.
We came home for a little while before his vision therapy. I talked to him about concentrating on the exercises and not on his doctor’s clothes or if she was chewing gum. He did much better today than he has been doing lately. I was thankful for that. He wanted a pizza on the way home and he behaved most of the way there. He started to scream at me but I told him we would go straight home if he continued to yell.
Nighttime was met with many different emotions but thankfully after a couple of times of getting up to make sure he was not going to school tomorrow, he fell asleep. I reminded him no one would be at school tomorrow and that helped. He needed one more hug and a kiss on his forehead. I’m thankful for all the connections he is making. Find joy in the little things and know your life will forever be changed. Smiles to all and donut daze!