Owen slept until 5:30. I had been up for about an hour by the time he came around the corner. I count that as a success for the night. We were snow-covered and more came falling throughout the morning. I’m glad I took him to see his grandma yesterday because the roads and my car were a mess again.
He had me go look out the window and told me about all the trucks that went by our house. He thought he saw a leprechaun driving one of the trucks. I hoped it was the snow plow. He was very animated about it. I think the leprechauns have helped calm him through this whole process and he wanted them to be very busy today.
We played a lot today. I was thankful that he was mostly calm today but he was highly focused on what he wants to happen on Monday. I lost track of the number of times he asked about his teacher and I can’t tell you the amount of times I held back the tears thinking that they may not get to go some days next week. I pray they can and the hard-working leprechauns do whatever they need to do to “make it happen” as he keeps telling me.
He has got it in his head that when it is getting close to bedtime he needs to take a bath the same second he asks to take a bath. He starts screaming about it and doesn’t want to take no for an answer. He says, “Take a bath then have a tablet.” I’m not quite sure what has spurred this newfound love for screaming about bath time but I’m quite over it. I told him that bath time had nothing to do with having his tablet but screaming at Mommy will have everything to do with having no tablet. I had him paint with me and then put water bottles in the refrigerator before he could take a bath. I want him to understand that screaming does not get him what he wants but instead, if he talks to me it will go a lot further.
After we were all done and he took his bath he said, “Sorry Mommy I love you.” I know it is hard for him to process everything but I want him to learn screaming is never the answer to getting something done. He has come so far and I know he will get it.
Bedtime was another hurdle. He stood at the doorway to my bedroom and repeated his teacher’s name over and over and over again. Occasionally he would sprinkle it with “see her on Monday.” My heart aches for him. I have been telling he will see her on Monday but honestly, the way the weather is for the next week I pray they go. They have learning on their iPads but he doesn’t handle that well from home. His teacher understands but it is just all so much. He finally went to lie down and it didn’t take him long to fall asleep.
I look back over the past week and I know he has done amazingly well but it has also been so hard on him. I pray for sleep tonight. I told him we weren’t going to church tomorrow because I didn’t think the roads would be good. I know it will be hard on him but I need us to be safe. I pray for the warm weather to truly come tomorrow so my sweet baby O can get back to school with all his friends, aides, and teacher. Be blessed by the little victories and watch how they change your life. Smiles to all and donut daze!