He wanted to make sure sleeping all night meant he was going to church. I told him to look outside to see if it had snowed. I knew it hadn’t but I wanted him to look. Last night I let him know if it was icy or snowy we would stay home as well. I want him to understand that sometimes even if we want to do something we can’t always do it. Making these connections will help him with other activities we do. I hope that he will continue to understand how this affects his routine.
He started talking about taking his tablet to church. I answered him and then he asked again. I showed him the card I wrote out that said, “You know this.” He read it and started to walk away. I stopped him and when he looked at me I showed him the “You are amazing” card. He read it and his smile got really big. I always want him to know that even if we are struggling through a day he is amazing. Positive words and positive actions equal a positive life.
We got ready for church and he listened to everything I said. Our morning had gone fast. He had a few moments of extra questions but otherwise, he was very calm. He wanted to know about all his people. He gets so excited to see who will be at church. He has plans for them all and he is always hoping they will wear exactly what he wants them to. Right now it has been a little bit calmer for him about clothes but he still wants to talk about spitting on people’s pants if they are not wearing the correct thing. I remind him that we must share kindness and grace with all hoping this keeps him from spitting or being mad.
He was very calm on the way home. I didn’t look in the bag to make sure they got our food right and they left out his French fries. I should have looked. This is what I call a rookie mistake. He didn’t want to eat and talked about missing his French fries. He kept saying “have to get a new one.” Luckily I had bought a package of French fries so I heated them up and magically he started eating. He knew they weren’t the same but at least he was happy that he had fries.
He only asked me a couple of times about the days ahead. He knows he is going to spend time with his grandma tomorrow while I go to my doctor’s appointment to have my checkup after my surgery and find out my next steps. He was very happy about this. I am thankful for a good day and even though we didn’t do too much I felt like we made progress on his repetitive words. Remember you are amazing and your story is important. Smiles to all and donut daze!