During my first cup of coffee, the questions didn’t stop. It was more like the same question and no matter how many times you answer it, don’t answer it, change the answer when you do answer it, or simply just cry his questions don’t stop until he cycles through every part he needs to. After my cup was almost empty and had answered and not answered the question every way I knew how to do it I tried the distraction method. I started singing “Owen is amazing Owen is amazing Owen is amazing.” The smile washed over his face and he stuck his forehead to my lips to get his kiss but he still repeated the question about his previous teachers and wanted to make sure he wouldn’t see them again.
We got ready to go and he wanted me to wear my bunny ears. I hadn’t worn them all morning because he had now started to fixate on them. I told him I wasn’t wearing them and I put another hat on. He was not pleased with this but I am going to have to switch it up more so he can get used to the differences. It is so hard to stay ahead of his choices that become his needs.
We started heading to his grandma’s house and we passed the place where we got our new car several years ago. I had him come sit in the car because my previous one caused him all kinds of emotions and meltdowns. The turn signal made too much noise so did the wipers and the list went on and on. He decided a while ago that we need a new car and he wants it to be black because his best friend’s dad drives a black SUV.
He did good with his grandma and I met them when he was done. He was good on the ride home and talked about who he was going to see tomorrow. Thankfully he was calm when we got home but he wanted his bath as soon as we walked in the door and then he didn’t want to get out of the bath.
Next came dinner and he told me he had to sleep all night. “If you sleep all night I sure hope you do have to wait and see,” he rambled on through it all and kept going. I said I pray you sleep all night so we can go to church. He said, “It’s daytime now.” I told him it was but he needed to sleep when it was nighttime. He once again leaned his forehead into me for his kiss and then ran off to play on his tablet.
He made it abundantly clear that there would be “no more field trips all done field trips no field trip Thursday no field trip Friday.” It was too stressful for him to go and not be with his teacher. This was his chant as he went off to bed. I pray he has a good night and sleeps through the night. He told me he was happy and that made me happy. Find what makes your heart happy and sing it from the rooftops. Smiles to all and donut daze!