He is back to watching many of the videos he watched when he was a toddler and a little older. He asks the YouTube voice activation option to find videos all the time but for some reason with these videos, he wants me to read the titles and then find them for him. It is like we have gone back in time. It seems like this type of thing happens a lot. His mind is brilliant and he works through things that he may not have understood then or needs to process again.
He wanted to wear shorts again. It’s so amazing to me that he is asking for them every day. He put his shoes on the correct feet the first time and was not walking on the backs of them. He did it all by himself and it was our victory for today.
He was excited to go out to wait for the bus. He stood watching for it in one direction like where it comes in the regular school year but it was already coming from the other way. I told him to turn around and his smile became huge. He ran towards me and it wasn’t long he was on the bus and off to school he went, reminding me that he was going to music today.
I went to pick him up and I heard him coming down the hall with the aide. He was telling her that mommy was coming and I was there to pick him up. My heart soars when I hear his words connecting to a moment. We walked out to the car and he told me he couldn’t act up because he wanted to go swimming on Friday. I keep reminding him that he needs to be calm and talk to me about everything hoping to keep those conversations forming.
He did great on the drive to his therapy and his music therapist said he had a great day. That is music to my ears. He sang on the way home and I can tell he is starting to listen to more instructions. He told me again he wasn’t going to act up in the car but when he started to scream at a light I reminded him that his behavior in the car was also what would determine if he went swimming on Friday and he quickly calmed back down.
He didn’t want to go anywhere after his therapy so we came home. He won’t have his vision therapy for a few weeks so we played games and he sang more songs for me in several languages. He kept telling me he needed to behave for the pool. When the timer went off he brought me his tablet. One more victory for us today.
The hardest part is the hardest part. When we accept today and live for tomorrow that is when we will create our greatest victories. The story of yesterday maybe hard to read but your story for tomorrow is no where near done. Every day I tell Owen he is amazing. Believe in yourself and the rest will follow. Smiles to all and donut daze!