I got up a few minutes later and I started the eating machine’s requested breakfast plus the chocolate milk. I think he pretty much ate all day. After he ate his breakfast he requested chicken. I tried some new foods with him today. Getting him to eat one bite of anything new is a huge step and if he likes it is even better.
I always put his headphones in the same place but he hasn’t been putting them on until I ask him if he wants them. I was fixing his snack and he came around the corner and had his headphones on. That felt like big progress. They seem to be helping him.
He spent several hours yelling at me this morning. Yelling is not something I think I will ever get used to. He was yelling at me because he wanted to have two tablets at the same time. He has one tablet that is newer and several that are backups but hardly keep charges for long. I tried to explain to him that his tablet had no battery but when he wants something he wants it so he yelled at me trying to get his tablet. The more I said it didn’t have battery the more he yelled. I finally told him that he could have his tablets but then he would have nothing for the rest of the day as soon as they ran out. That somehow connected and he still asked but he stopped yelling.
The yelling is always emotional to me. I can’t make him understand that yelling does not help him get the answers he wants and it is not nice to yell at people. I know he will make the connection one day but I truly wish there was another way for him to get it.
The rest of the day went smoother. He talked about going to the park right before dinner but as soon as I told him his best friend wasn’t going to be there he didn’t want to go. He moved on to talking about his days ahead and was excited that he was going back to school tomorrow. He also was happy that his grandma was going to pick him up on Thursday to take him to therapy while I am at my infusion.
Bedtime came quickly and he was ready for it because that meant he gets to see his teacher tomorrow. I’m hoping that he will sleep again tonight. He was singing in German I think and asking Alexa to translate numerous phrases. I love to hear his giggle as she answered him. Let laughter fill your heart and feel how it changes your world. Smiles to all and donut daze!