I woke numerous times last night with too many things on my mind. I was thankful to be able to at least sleep until after five. Owen woke shortly after I did and I could tell he had been biting his mouth again. It wasn’t as bad as last time but I gave him some medicine and he seemed to be feeling better as the morning went on.
I started fixing our breakfast and before I could even ask him what he wanted he said, “Sausage dog please.” I loved the focus and that he was paying attention that I was getting ready to start breakfast. He talked to me about school but instead of saying that he would be at school in April this time, he said he would be going to school in March. This made me happy that he was moving forward in the months. He was very calm talking about it and not fixated on repeating the words.
We got ready for church and he was hoping to see his favorite people. The drive to church was calm. There were no moments of him telling which way to drive or where to go. He sat playing on his tablet and answered a few of my questions without saying no or getting elevated. The change in him seems to be affecting all of these moments. It feels life-changing.
He was calm on the way home from church except when he thought I didn’t order his French fries but he quickly recovered. The afternoon went the same way. He repeated a few things but we talked about it and I was able to redirect him. He ate a lot of food today and he has grown over the last few weeks.
I told him that he had to get a shot tomorrow. I explained that he was going to get medicine in a shot. He replied, “Medicine box” making the connection to what I told him my port. I told him that he would come from a syringe so it was different. I wanted him to know the whole process even though he has had shots before it has been many years. I told him it would go quickly and then he would be all done. The more connections we can make hopefully the easier it will be for him.
He kept repeating for me to go take a shower. I’m not sure why. I told him I was going to take his tablet if he kept talking about it so he came to me. I asked him why he wanted me to take one and he said, “Maybe later.” Then he put his forehead to my lips, grabbed his tablet, and walked off. He always knows I kiss the top of his head and tell him I love him when I am talking to him about something so he wanted his kiss and the conversation was over.
It’s pure joy watching my son shine. He has come so far and is making incredible progress. I was tired today but it was a good day for food. I pray for a great day tomorrow. Be inspired by the world around you and let it be your guide to make all your dreams come true. Smiles to all and donut daze!