His words do not always explain the problem or if there is something that is bothering him. I’m thankful that he at least can share some of his words to express what is happening but it still is a guessing game for some of it. I was pretty sure it was his mouth but I couldn’t tell what the problem was. He told me his teeth were scared and that they were angry. And my heart broke a little more.
I looked at his mouth and it looked like he had dried drool on his face and he was sucking on his gum. I took him into the bathroom to see if he would open his mouth more and I couldn’t see anything but could tell he was still having problems. I gave him some pain medicine and asked him if he wanted to take a bath. He was in the tub as quickly as he could get back in there. I let him stay in as long as he wanted to and he seemed like he was starting to feel a lot better.
I fixed his breakfast and he started eating. I was thankful for that. He finally got his tablet. That is the other way I could tell he was not feeling well because he always wanted his tablet first. I kept checking on him. He still seemed a little out of sorts but I could tell he was feeling better. I asked him how he was feeling and he said, “Mouth happy.”
He bites his fingers and hard objects when he is stimming or working through different emotions. He is constantly chewing on his tablet case or other things he can find. I pray all the time that he doesn’t hurt his teeth. He doesn’t understand what he is doing by biting on something so hard. He used to suck on his T-shirts and create big holes in them.
He didn’t complain anymore about his mouth but I still asked him how he was doing with it. Thankfully he kept saying happy but I could tell he was still favoring it. It’s stressful when he can’t tell me if something is wrong. Thankfully he can reference certain words and phrases but he doesn’t understand enough to give me specifics like if it is because his tooth hurts or if he bit the inside of his mouth. I just pray.
He was going to grandma’s again today while I went to an appointment. He was very calm the entire way there. He didn’t yell at me and I tried to not go on roads he didn’t like. The calmer he is the calmer the world feels to me. I prayed some more. He did great at grandma’s and then they met me after my appointment.
The night went quickly. I’m praying that he sleeps better tonight and his mouth doesn’t hurt him. I’m thankful for his words, connections, and growth but it is always hard when my sweet baby O doesn’t feel good. We have a busy weekend planned and I’m excited for our Saturday. Begin your future now. Let yesterday go and make tomorrow the day you have always wanted. Smiles to all and donut daze!