He was very talkative all day. Most of it was what I call moving forward talk. He was propelling a conversation forward by continuously talking about something that led to something else and then following through with it. He is missing his best friend and wants to see him again soon. That led to all the places he would like to go with him and this in itself makes me so thrilled that he wants to go places with people.
He knew he was not going to see his grandma first thing in the morning because “Mommy had an appointment.” Anytime his schedule is different he thinks I have an appointment. Technically, I was doing a comedy show to benefit the Cancer Center Boutique where I got my new head-do but appointment works for me and it helps him understand. He was calm all morning for me which helped since I was not feeling my best.
We laughed a lot this morning. He was full of questions but I had to redirect him numerous times to get him to move forward. After we got dressed to go I was sitting to get my shoes on and he reached over and licked my head. This is still something that is very unexpected and I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to saying “Don’t lick my head” but I think about how many times I’ve said, “Don’t lick the door” or “Don’t lick the cat” amongst other things and I think we’ve come along way.
We met his grandma and off he went to have a fabulous time. I’m so thankful for their beautiful connection. I was off to the event and I’m thankful to everyone who performed and came out to watch the show. Laughter is the best medicine even if I couldn’t remember a lot of my lines. Chemo brain is real. That’s what I’m blaming it on this time.
I picked Owen up and we headed home. He did amazing on the way there. We even got stopped by a train and he was incredibly calm. He knew it was my turn on the way home to go the way I wanted and he didn’t scream once. He did all the steps he needed to for bedtime and it was a very smooth night.
The whole way home and as he was falling asleep he talked about his people. I love his love for his people. His heart is incredible and it makes me so proud of who he is. Kindness and grace matter and my sweet baby O is learning how to share it with the world. Be thankful in your soul and let your heart be happy. Smiles to all and donut daze!