He was sad that he didn’t get to ride the bus and be at school but I think the magical hats were what he was using to distract himself from it all. He asked for sausage dogs for second breakfast but kept eating the cereal he requested. He started talking about the leprechauns needing to hurry up with his school while he was waiting for me to finish getting his breakfast. I was thankful though that he still wasn’t screaming about it.
He came to me about the buzzing sounds from our light. The newer lightbulbs all make different noises and he asks me about them all the time. The light itself also bothers him and he wants it turned off unless he doesn’t like the nightstand table light he leaves on all the time. He never wants it off. The lightbulb in his room is rechargeable so even if the power goes out his lightbulb will stay on. This has helped us several times when the power was out.
He was very excited that he found the Olaf movie. He kept saying he didn’t think he was going to school tomorrow so he said he would watch the movie tomorrow. He kept wishing he was seeing his people. He talked about his best friend and went into detail about what he was doing. He also went through each of his people and wanted to make sure the leprechauns were helping to get them out so he could see them. He asked if “Night Santa” could help the leprechauns.
“You want smiles to eat,” O said. I asked him to say it again because I wasn’t sure what he meant. This time he said it a little slower. I had asked him if he wanted “something else to eat” so he got most of it right. He is truly trying to speak in more sentences.
He was talking about breaking people’s designs on their pants and laughing hysterically. I’m not sure why but he thought it was funny. I’ve never heard him talk about the designs on people’s pants but he told me I would be disappointed if he bit people’s pants. He told me my head was healthy” so he should lick it again. He wanted scissors because he had to cut some paper before he sat on the map. I think he was ready to go back to school tomorrow to work with his teacher. He had so much information compacted in his mind today and he let it all out.
I think he handled it all pretty well. He wanted the leprechauns to get it together for tomorrow though. I told him he would be home with me again tomorrow and he wanted to know if it was a “holiweek again.” I told him I thought he would go back soon and I prayed harder that he would. I’m thankful he handled it all as well as he did today and those leprechauns I think helped keep us on track. He kept me laughing today. Be silly and let it fill your heart with happiness. Smiles to all and donut daze!